Default folder retention tag script updated to 1.3

I spent some time figuring out why calendar items in the Deleted Items folder that would be immediately expired could not be updated with a tag. I found that Exchange wants to send an update to the organizer, regardless whether the calendar item is even a meeting or one that is in the past. If the item is in a different folder when the tag is applied, the error is that there is no recipient on the message, whereas the error when in the Deleted Items is that it can’t update an item that is already deleted. The latter error being misleading is why I originally couldn’t figure it out what they meant or why it was happening.

The solution is to use a second argument in the Update method to tell Exchange not to send an update message for invitations or cancellations. You have to do this even if it isn’t a meeting. Presumably, this is a bug where Exchange is running through logic against all IPM.Appointment-class items, rather than skipping those that aren’t meetings.

The script has been updated to account for this, plus some minor updates since the last version posted.

  Set-DefaultFolderItemsTag.ps1 (9.4 KiB)

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